Draws a box around the text and other elements that the field set contains.
FIELDSET 元素与窗口框架的行为有些相似。因为窗口框架没有滚动条,将 overflow 属性值设为 scrol,显示效果和值为 hidden 相同。
此元素在 Internet Explorer 4.0 及以上版本的HTML 和的脚本中可用。
This element is useful for grouping elements in a form and for distinctively marking text in a document.
The FIELDSET element has the same behavior as a window frame. Since window frames do not have scroll bars, assigning the overflow property a value of scroll will render it as if the value were hidden.
This element is available in HTML and script as of Internet Explorer 4.0.
This element is a block element.
This element requires a closing tag.